June 16

Friday 16th June 2023

Well, what a hot week!

We have worked very hard this week continuing to work on money in maths and planning our newspaper reports.

Well done for those who are continuing to bring in their homework books!

Next week:

Tuesday – PE lesson (This will be an additional PE lesson for this week only).

Wednesday – Music with Mrs Armour

Thursday – PE lesson with Miss Bracken

Have a lovely weekend ☀️

Miss Elvidge


June 9

Friday 9th June

What a fantastic day we have had today!
The children were impeccably behaved all day today and we all had a fun day.

We started at Eynsford measuring the width, depth and flow of the river as well as comparing rocks. We then moved onto Lullingstone and continued measuring the width, depth and flow of the river. Next week we will look at and interpret our data!

Next week

Wednesday – Music with Mrs Armour

Thursday – Class photos and PE with Miss Bracken (please come into school in full uniform with blazer and tie and bring your PE kit in a bag to change into).

Hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the weather ☀️

Miss Elvidge


June 5

Welcome back!

I hope you have all had a good half term and I am looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.

I can’t believe it is the last term of year 4. There are lots of exciting things planned in school for this term and I’m sure it is going to fly by!

Uniform reminders

Please make sure you are wearing correct uniform with black school shoes.
Blazers should be in school every day.

PE kit is plain black shorts or jogging bottoms with a plain white t-shirt.

This week:

Wednesday – Music lesson with Mrs Armour

Thursday – PE with Miss Bracken

Friday – School trip

School trip

This Friday we are going on a Geography fieldtrip. This links to our learning last term where we were studying rivers. On Friday we are going to be going to Eynsford and then Lullingstone and investigating features of the river.

We will be getting into the river to paddle so please can you bring wellies or old trainers (that you don’t mind getting wet) and a spare pair of socks and trainers to change into. Please could all children bring a carrier bag to put their wet shoes in. Ideally it would be best for the children to wear shorts (as they are less likely to get wet!) otherwise please wear black jogging bottoms or leggings.

We will be out of school all day so please can all children bring a packed lunch.

If you have any questions about what to bring, wear or about the trip please speak to me before or after school or email me (melvidge@st-edmunds.kent.sch.uk).

Miss Elvidge

May 26

Friday 26th May

This week  we concluded our rivers topic writing an essay discussing why we should protect rivers from pollution. Some fabulous essays were produced!

Next term we are starting our maths topic on money. Over the half term see if you can count the coins in your piggybank!

Over the half term continue reading and practicing your times tables.

Have a lovely half term.

Miss Elvidge

May 10

Marble jar

Diamond class have been working really hard and have filled up their marble jar!

They have chosen to bring their bikes and scooters to school.
If you would like to please bring your bike or scooter to school tomorrow. Remember your helmet.
Well done Diamond Class!

March 10

Friday 10th March

This week we have been working on fractions in maths we have looked at the difference between mixed numbers and improper fractions and comparing their values.
In our writing we have been writing a balanced argument about deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.
Thank you for sending in the children’s wellies or old shoes as today we went on a bug hunt and used magnifying glasses to take a closer look.

Snow day

Thank you to those who showed their work from the day and pictures enjoying the snow!

Milk bottle lids 

Please can you and your families save milk bottle lids and bring them into school. We need them for a DT project in a few weeks. We need at least 4 per child!

Next week 

Monday – Raising money for Red Nose Day – please wear red and bring in a £1 donation.

Thursday – PE and PTAs Mother’s Day craft

Friday – Federation Science day

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Elvidge