March 10

Friday 10th March

This week we have been working on fractions in maths we have looked at the difference between mixed numbers and improper fractions and comparing their values.
In our writing we have been writing a balanced argument about deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.
Thank you for sending in the children’s wellies or old shoes as today we went on a bug hunt and used magnifying glasses to take a closer look.

Snow day

Thank you to those who showed their work from the day and pictures enjoying the snow!

Milk bottle lids 

Please can you and your families save milk bottle lids and bring them into school. We need them for a DT project in a few weeks. We need at least 4 per child!

Next week 

Monday – Raising money for Red Nose Day – please wear red and bring in a £1 donation.

Thursday – PE and PTAs Mother’s Day craft

Friday – Federation Science day

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Elvidge

March 8

Snow day

As the school is shut today please have a go at some of the work on the blog.


In class we have been exploring when to use apostrophes in contractions. Please complete this lesson focusing on apostrophes for possession and contractions.


This week we have started to look at the perimeter of shapes in maths. Please have a go at this lesson finding perimeter of rectangles.

Times tables 

Spend 15 minutes on times tables rockstars.

Enjoy the snow! 

Please go out and enjoy the snow.
Can you make a snowman? A snow animal? Or can you make a shape in the snow?

Send some pictures of you enjoying the snow!

If you have any questions please email me

Miss Elvidge

March 6

Monday 6th March

Please can you all check your child’s uniform for their name as we have had a few blazers go missing. If you have the wrong blazer please bring it back into school.

Also please can you check the names are clear to read in all their uniform.


Please can each child have a pair of wellies or old trainers in school for this week as we are going to go on a woodland walk round the school site.

Thank you

Miss Elvidge